Copperhead Gin 0.5L
Copperhead Gin 0.5L
Elegant, copper-coloured bottles with an exclusive content: Copperhead Gin from Belgium is a treat for your eyes and palate! The gin is named after its creator, the alchemist Mr. Copperhead. On the search for the elixir of life, Sir Copperhead came up with the recipe for the homonymous gin.
Ingredients for Copperhead Gin are angelica root, cardamom, orange peel, coriander and - of course - juniper berries. These five traditional botanicals make for a truly harmonic and well-balanced gin. In the nose, the Belgium gin presents an intense scent of citrus, on the palate your taste buds will be tickled by the aroma of tangerine and lemons. For the perfect G&T just mix the gin with the fantastic Mediterranean Tonic Water by Fever Tree and add a garnish of coriander and orange zest.
Age Verification Required on Delivery: This product is not for sale to people under the age of 18. To confirm the customer is over 18 years, valid photographic ID with a date of birth will be required upon delivery for all customers. The driver will input your date of birth into their device to confirm that age verification has been completed successfully, the driver will not be able to access your date of birth information once your delivery is complete